Stuff in the ‘Trusts’ Category

Credit Shelter Trusts Aren’t Just for the Super Wealthy

Credit shelter trusts are a way to take full advantage of state and federal estate tax exemptions. Although such trusts may appear needless unless you are a multi-millionaire, there are still reasons for those of more modest means to do this kind of planning, and one of the main ones is state taxes. The first […]READ POST »

Trusts, wills and estate plans in Missouri

As has been demonstrated by the ongoing dispute between Robin Williams’s widow and his surviving children from previous marriages, it is important to be careful when planning how to handle a person’s estate. Having the correct documents in place may mean using a combination of wills, trusts and other documents to fully account for all […]READ POST »

Trusts: Protecting government benefits for disabled loved ones

The government is a major source of income for people who may need help due to a disability. Whether you have a child born with a physical or developmental impairment or you a person looking out for the welfare of a sibling or aging parent who has become incapacitated, government benefits may be critical to […]READ POST »